UPVC Locksmith in Eastleigh
Local Locksmiths Eastleigh are also UPVC door lock and mechanism experts we help with any Parts dis-continued or not.
With over 650 different upvc door mechanisms and 150 different upvc door gearings its a bit of a mine field but we can source any mechanism that is on the market, even if parts are dis-continued or obsolete we can always find an alternative.
In the many years we have been trading we have come across customers that have called a glazing company who try to push them into buying a new door this is unnecessary. You will never need a new door unless of course you want one.
At a much lower cost we can supply and fit failed mechanisms and gearings at a fraction of the cost of a new door, even if the door is jammed shut we can open non-destructively.
As there are so many locks on the market and so many different scenarios as to why the door is not functioning its almost impossible to quote over the phone it will need in most cases a site visit to diagnose the issue.
Being local to Eastleigh we always aim to be with you within 30 minutes of a emergency and within 1 hour for non-emergency.
We are in no way connected to a National company, please be aware these companies will charge you 50% more then your local locksmith.